
Seema regi pandu
Seema regi pandu

seema regi pandu

Majestic mansions and medieval cathedrals, with their ornate facades, flank the shoreline. The large, express ferry slices its way through the placid waters of Canal Grande, spread like a gigantic, semi-transparent aluminum sheet in the morning sun. I board the Vaporetto from San Zaccaria near St. Our coastal lands and mountainous areas are under great threat from rising sea levels and soaring temperatures. Data shows that our children and future generations are going to brave the deadliest of its long-term consequences. In the fight against climate change, South Asia and island communities seem to be getting the worst end of the stick. Over half the world’s GDP is derived from biological resources- so the very creatures most city-dwellers will likely never see in their lives are quite crucial to our survival. Resources that are continually coming under strain as the little organisms working round the clock to maintain them, vanish. The most advanced cities still rely on the same resources for people to survive. The earliest civilizations of the world formed around natural resources: rivers and other water bodies and fertile lands - here, a fragile network of microorganisms and endemic animals, plants, reptiles, underwater creatures, and amphibians maintained fresh (drinkable) water, ensured soil fertility and stability, pollinated food crops and provided folk medicine. These compounds have cytotoxic effects and they also modulate apoptotic process beneficial in cancer treatment.Human life has always depended on ecosystems. Studies show that this fruit contains a variety of triterpenic acids namely ceanothic, alphitolic, zizyberanal, zizyberanalic, epiceanothic, ceanothenic, betulinic acid, oleanolic (OA), ursonic, and zizyberenalic acids. jujuba is a source of essential unsaturated fatty acids including oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and palmitoleic acids. Jujube fruit is an excellent strategy for cancer treatment. It provides strength to bones particularly in the elderly with osteoporosis. Jujubes contain a huge variety of minerals, such as manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium, that are essential for healthy bones. Studies also show that it has a potential role in treating anaphylaxis of allergic rhinitis. It helps to stabilize mast cells that modulate immune properties and prevents allergic reaction. Jujube fruits are loaded with anti-histaminic properties. Thus, it aids in clearing respiratory pathways and sinus cavities. Jujube fruit contains a special enzyme called bromelain that is found to reduce phlegm and mucus build up. It also contains pectin that shows anti-diarrheal properties. It is a proven therapy for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that works by enhancing intestinal barrier function and activation of AMPK enzyme. Dietary fiber works as a good laxative that makes bowel movement easier. Jujube fruit possesses a lot of fiber content that aids in preventing chronic constipation.

seema regi pandu

Jujube fruits are very rich in vitamin C and contain a chemical constituent called betulinic acid that helps increase as glutathione levels thus, protection against oxidative stress. It inhibits the growth of both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli that are responsible for many bacterial infections. Jujube fruits contain betulinic acid that has been found to have anti­inflammatory activity and antibacterial properties. This helps in vasodilation and maintaining optimum blood pressure.Īnti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial Agent Also, Jujube fruits contain high amounts of potassium and a low content of sodium. It helps with blood flow into the brain by increasing nitric oxide levels and thus, reducing high blood pressure. Jujube fruit is an excellent therapy for maintaining normal blood pressure. The jujube fruit contains flavonoid kaempferol 3- O-rutinoside which is a potential option to protect neuronal cells against oxidative stress. Studies also show that it has anti-depressant action and has positive effects on neurotransmitters and stress hormones. It treats various neurological degenerative diseases and improves quality of life. It imparts anxiolytic and soothing effects on the body thereby relieving anxiety and insomnia. Jujube fruits possess neuro-protective effects and also promote memory and learning. Improves Mental Health and Brain function

Seema regi pandu